Neil Hick Victorian Epee Shield 2023

On September 17th, VDFC fencers Abi, Quincy and Jeremy attended the Victorian High Performance Fencing Centre to compete in the Neil Hick Victorian Epee Shield,

This was the second year for Abi and Quincy, and Jeremy’s first experience at an interstate tournament.

The three fencers competed in the U15’s event first, where they fenced very well and all won some bouts.

Quincy and Abi remained at the venue to compete in the U20’s event as well, where they had to fence each other in their first DE (never a fun situation for fencing friends). Quincy won the bout and proceeded on to beat his next opponent in the Tableau 8. Quincy’s winning spree was only stopped by an opponent who is currently ranked 17th Nationally in U20’s, leading Quincy to bring home a bronze medal.

Quincy and Abi’s fencing on the day demonstrated that their hard work for the past year had paid off. Their fencing was patient but proactive.

Jeremy had his first experience of fencing on an actual piste, and he knew what he was going to work of with his training on his return home.

All three fencers represented Tasmania and VDFC well, modelling great sportsmanship.
