Fencing is a sport that provides a healthy and challenging alternative to more traditional school team and ball sports. It requires a disciplined approach and expects students to challenge both their physical and intellectual limits. It is one of the few school sports that has a direct Olympic pathway. The combination of both an individual and team approach allows students to experience both personal glory and peer support.
— Marcel Hennes, Head of Co Curricular, Newington College, Sydney

Van Diemen Fencing Club runs classes for schools around Tasmania. 

In 2017, VDFC began what are hoped to be long-term partnerships with Ogilvie High School and New Town High School. Ogilvie High School offered students fencing on Wednesdays as an after-school activity, and New Town High School held fencing classes for their Grade 8 cohort.

2018 saw school fencing clubs for Ogilvie, New Town and Taroona High & Primary.

Past schools and colleges include Tarremah Steiner School, Kingston High School, Guilford Young College, Elizabeth College, St. Mary's and Hobart College. 

We have run tasters for Lady Gowrie school holiday programs over the last three years, and a number of Scouts and Guides groups around Tasmania.

VDFC's key goal is to introduce the public to fencing whilst making it accessible and affordable. Tasters are a great way for children of all ages to experience the sport first-hand. 

We are also keen to start after-school clubs and fencing programs in and around Hobart.

If your school or college would like to book fencing tasters for your students, please don't hesitate to contact the club: 0428 057 473, van.diemen.fencing.club@gmail.com